Crazy Sexy Motherhood


What’s in a name? Crazy Sexy Motherhood…  

It all started in 1994 when I asked my 16-year-old younger sister for dating advice. In her arrogant teen-wisdom, she simply responded, “Think of the song lyrics from TLC…Crazy Sexy Cool. That’s how you date! You have to always be a little crazy, always sexy, and always act a little detached — cool.”

Thankfully, her advice didn’t become the cornerstone that I build my relationship experiences around; although, I did think back to our random conversation that we had during the Christmas holidays of 1994 when I became a mother again — almost 15 years later. Somehow, the song lyrics from TLC became more fitting within my new context of life, starting with the crazy part.

I suddenly understood the beauty of organized chaos, and how to find my “zen” stuck in the car with two toddlers and a new born, as we fought the traffic, and I tried to hold onto my last thread of sanity in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Motherhood also taught me to be sexy…and here’s where the word becomes confusing since the word “sexy” is relatively a new word. If you follow the word’s history, its popularity is created somewhere between 1905-1912. Yet for me, sexy means confidence. Confident people are sexy, they exude a sense of being comfortable with themselves that is even reflected in the strength of their shadow.

And that’s what motherhood has meant for me. It has made me sexy – confident because I know that I have been entrusted to take care of this child, and this child’s well-being is directly connected to how I represent both of us through my words, body language, and sense of contentment within my own skin, and that’s what makes motherhood sexy – a confidence booster that often believes in you before you have had a chance to believe in yourself.

Collectively, when you combine a world of chaos with a world of confidence, you get to this evolving space called motherhood. Motherhood by definition means a journey into the depths of one’s personal possibility. It’s an experience that will challenge, question, and reward in ways that one could have never imagined prior to the experience, yet it a space of finding, a place of losing, and learning a way of life that requires the harnessing of your intuition as you learn when to hold on and when to let go. At the end of the day, you know that you have grown both inwardly, spiritually when we realize that Life is Serious, Motherhood should be Fun!

Indeed, motherhood should be fun –  since it’s a gift that is often gone before our mind has had the time to fully understand the awe of this gift’s significance on our life’s greater purpose. And that’s why I decided to create this page as a reminder…to remind our mind of our heart’s treasure that is often lost in the mothering translation of getting the kids to school on time, remembering to give the dog its allergy medicine, and remembering to finish my morning coffee that I left in the car by the time I pick the kids up from school in the afternoon.

To end on a musical note, as an Aquarius, I love change and the future, yet one thing from the 90s that I still miss are mixed tapes. Something about the nostalgia of creating your own mixed tapes, the ritual of queuing the song to just the right spot, the hand-eye coordination required of recording/stopping the song exactly where you want it to be, and the sense of accomplishment of holding the final product in your hand, is lost to today’s musical choices. A mixed tape was a gift straight from the heart.

So, follow me at we create our own mixed tape through a journey of memories, shared experiences, and stories about what it means to celebrate the journey called motherhood – even through challenging chapters and moments of madness.

This is my mixed tape, one that I have proudly scribbled on with a half-dried out marker called….

Crazy Sexy Motherhood: Life is Serious, Motherhood should be Fun…